Bluegrass has brought more people together and made more friends than any music in the world." ~ Bill Monroe
Bay Area Bluegrass Association
Bay Area Bluegrass Association

Bay Area Bluegrass Association

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We Need You!
Bay Area Bluegrass Association has several opportunities for service minded individuals available.
Bay Area Bluegrass Association
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving the Texas Bay Area for over 38 years. Our organization is dedicated to the preservation of bluegrass music in Texas. We have routinely hosted a free bluegrass music show and jam on the third Saturday of every month. Bay Area Bluegrass club members can be frequently seen Statewide supporting our fellow Texas jams/shows, as well as providing entertainment for area Senior assisted Living facilities, and Veteran centers. Service to our community is a tremendous priority for us.

Board Member Openings
At the beginning of 2024, Bay Area Bluegrass embarked on an exciting new path! We have placed a great deal of effort into creating a new, exciting, and welcoming place to enjoy exceptional bluegrass music and friendly fellowship. For example, we have expanded the number of Jam rooms, created several open stage times to include our friends that have traveled to visit us, created a new Legacy Program to help fund our future, and restructured our Board of Directors in a way that fosters accountability and productivity, enabling us to deliver on our new goals and promises.
    In addition to the four traditional Executive Board positions, we have added eight Critical Function Team Leader Positions. These Team Leader positions are seated Directors and are responsible for the acquisition and training of their respective Teams. Currently, there are two vacant Team Leader positions to fill.
    Please contact Randy Powell asap if you would like to discuss the scope of any position or have any desire to serve the Texas bluegrass community at this time.

Current vacancies are as follows...
Kitchen Crew Team Leader
Merchandise Team Leader

Filled Team Leader Positions:
  • Sound Crew Team Leader -Dan Daniel
  • Membership Team Leader -Ron Moore
  • Webmaster Team Leader -Janine Carter
  • Public Relations Leader -Greg Vaughn
  • Hospitality Team Leader -Mary Conn
  • Booking Team Leader -Dr. John Doyle