Bluegrass has brought more people together and made more friends than any music in the world." ~ Bill Monroe
Bay Area Bluegrass Association
Bay Area Bluegrass Association

Bay Area Bluegrass Association

The Bay Area Bluegrass Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization managed by a twelve member board of representatives consisting of four executive members and eight critical function Team Leaders. The Organization is in our 38th year!!

All Team Leader positions serve as seated board members. To volunteer to serve as a Team Leader, please contact
Randy Powell.
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2024 Executive Board Members

2024 Team Leaders

  • Sound Crew - Dan Daniel
  • Kitchen - VACANT - (Sheryl Holland - Temp)
  • Membership - Ron Moore
  • Webmaster - Janine Carter
  • Talent Management - Dr. John Doyle
  • Merchandise - VACANT
  • Public Relations - Greg Vaughn
  • Hospitality - Mary Conn